This article discusses multiple solutions for difficultiesaccessing/establishing the recording path for a Foscam camera. An example of this scenario is a common errorencountered when attempting to change the recording path of a camera whileusing the browser Internet Explorer. The error encountered is
or a local recording was saved to a computer but you are unable tofind any recording file. Another scenario encountered is when a recording wasdownloaded from a NVR using Internet Explorer. Once the download is completedthe file is unable to be located on the local computer. Some of the reasonsthis may occur are that the page to create files on the computer is from an“untrusted” source. Another reason may be the insufficient permissions havebeen established to read or write to the local hard drive or grant access tothe system disk.
1. Add the Foscam camera as a trusted web site on InternetExplorer. To perform this action, navigate the Internet Explorer Browser toTools → Internet Options → Security → Trusted Sites → Sites → Add
3. If the above steps are unable to resolve this issue attempt the following procedure.
A) Add the camera or NVR to Compatibility View in Internet Explorer.
B) Launch Internet Explorer and navigate to the Tools Menu.
C) Select Compatibility View Settings
D) A pop up window will open titled Compatibility View Settings
E) Enter the IP Address of the camera/NVR which you are attempting to open.
4. Launch Internet Explorer as administrator.
5. Be sure the firmware on all of the Foscam camera is up to date.