This article covers a seriesof recommendations to increase the security of the Foscam camera to provideadditional protection from unwanted security breaches.

TechnicalNote: Foscam cameras are designed with security in mind. We use the latesttechnology and encryption as part of the normal communications protocol toensure that your connection is secure. Follow the tips below to insure the bestpossible security practices are followed.

1) Setup a strong username and password for the camera. The use of numbers, letters and character combinations is the best practice.
    Note: The maximum length is 20 characters including numbers, letters and symbols.
    Special characters supported:     ~ ! @ # % ^ * ( ) _ + { } : "| < > ? ` - ; ' \ , . /
2) Change the camera password on a regular basis.
3) If using the HTTP port use a port which is uncommon to avoid making the camera an easy target.
4) Turn on a firewall and anti-virus software if available on the router and/or the computer.
5) Regularly check the firmware of the camera and make sure it is up to date.
6) Regularly check the firmware of the router to make sure it is up to date. Some routers include a feature to automatically download and install firmware on a scheduled basis.
7) ADVANCED SETTING: If equipped with the feature enable the firewall of the camera to allow/block specific IP access to login to the camera. This feature can be enabled if one device is used to

    connect to the camera and it has a static IP.